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Stay focused with Church Notes. Automatically insert Bible Verses into your Notes. Grow in your faith and have one dedicated Bible Note-Taking app.

Bible Note Taking App

Take Notes at Church today!

Bible Note-Taking,

Stay focused with Church Notes. Automatically insert Bible Verses into your Notes. Grow in your faith and have one dedicated Bible Note-Taking app.

Keep your thoughts organized and stay focused on God's word by easily inserting Bible verses into your notes.

Insert Bible verses into your note just by typing the verse. Our App will automatically pull up the desired verse from multiple translation options, allowing you to seamlessly integrate scripture into your notes and studies.

Auto Verse

Insert Bible Verse's easily into your notes just by typing them out. Example, Type John 3:16 and hit space, watch as that verse will appear in your notes.


Struggling to take notes at Church? With our App you can take detailed notes whilst following your Pastor as they preach.


Complete your daily devotions with Church Notes. With its S.O.A.P devotion template, you can dive deeper into Gods word daily!

Build confidence in God's Word by studying daily

Whether you are new to faith or have been going to Church for a while, Church Notes enables you to build knowledge and understanding around the Bible.

Enjoy the benefits of having everything in a single platform

Saves on trying to find notes from Church

Use multiple translations in one note

No longer needing to copy bible verses from other apps

Search & Filter through your notes

Give your friends and family your notes from Church

Have your Pastor share his notes from the Sermon

Preach Notes allow Pastors to share notes

Plan & Prepare your Notes

Schedule when they are available

Congregation subscribe to your Church

Quick & Easy setup

Get Started

There's a whole world of language translations

Church Notes comes in multiple translations, making it easier for you to study the bible no matter what language you speak

Spanish plaza
Spanish flag
Irish cliffs
French village
French flag
Italian alley way
Italian flag
Lisbon rooftops
Portuguese flag

Let's answer some FAQ's

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions
What is Church Notes App?
How does the Auto Verse feature work?
Can I insert Bible verses into my notes?
Can I organize my notes by book, chapter, and verse?
Can I share my notes with other members of my faith community?
Is there an advanced search function to find specific notes?
Can I use Church Notes App offline?
Are there different translation options available in the app?
Are there any subscription fees to use Church Notes App?
What are some tips for taking effective notes during church sermons?
How can I make the most of my time at church?

The reason to use Church Notes are clear

Our app is designed and built for people who want to know more about God's word, stay connected in Church and have a faith fulfilled life.


Notes created


Bible Translations


People using Church Notes


Average daily time spent in our app


Mission: To serve God's community by building quality tech


Response time for Customer Support

Church Notes comes with a Free 14 Day Trial

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Join the other 15,000+ people creating quality Church Notes